I have never in my whole life seen anything as wonderful as I did this weekend. I have never felt so happy than to watch this little 75 year old man walk down into the font! I love him sooo much. We didn't find out until Friday night for sure whether or not we would be baptizing him, but Friday night we had a noche de hogar with him in the home of the familia Molina. We watched a video of the restoration and after had a good night of sharing testimonies and reflecting on the experience that had Joseph Smith, we asked him if he wanted to be baptized the next morning or if he had a doctors appointment and he said, sure. He would get baptized. haha Saturday morning we got to his house a half hour before his baptism after we got every thing in order at the church and got him some clothes, and he was already dressed completely in white sitting in his maka. He had the largest smile on his face when we walked in and had it there the rest of the day (except for in the pictures.. haha) After he got in the font, he turned around and looked directly and me with the biggest, toothless smile I have ever seen. These past few days he has had such a light in him. And he is so so so so happy. TAUGHT REPENTANCE. BAPTIZED A CONVERT.
This week we also got to go to the temple. BEST WEEK EVER. It was so needed. It was nice to sit in the temple, receive some much needed revelation for me and for my investigators and be reminded of the reality of the Savior, our Father and the plan that they have for us. I left with a full heart and with a new determination to work harder. And we have really seen the fruits of our labors this week. We only really are close to one more baptism which we wont be having until the 17th of March (hoping I am still in Turìn) but we have so so so much potential for some progressing investigators this week...even with three families! (Which we haven't ever had here.) The work is moving alot here in Turìn and I am so excited for the opportunity I have to be a part of it.
Unfortunately, I think we have lost Mynor. He just some things that he is going to have to overcome before we are going to be able to work with him more. It absolutely breaks my heart to let him go, especially because he was so close to being baptized, but I don't think we have any other choice. I have no doubt in my mind that he will get there someday, but I just don't think its going to be with us. We are going to continue to pray for him, call him every day and encourage him, but unfortunately I don't think we are going to be able to continue visiting him. Nestor has agreed for a baptismal date for the 17th of March. We are just working with him to make sure he has a true repentance and conversion before he is baptized. He is such a sweet sweet kid and we are hoping through his example we can get his sister there too.
Life is good here in Turìn, my spanish is improving alot and I feel alot more comfortable teaching full lessons and answering questions. My testimony is being strengthened every day. And I have already seen a million ways that this mission is going to bless my life. Yo se que nuestro Padre Celestial nos ama, que Jesucristo vive y esta dirijiendo La Iglesia de Jesucristo de los Santos de los Ultìmos Dìas. Yo sè que mor medio los meritos de Èl y por medio nuestra obediencia en viviendo los principios y ordenanzas de este iglesia, podemos regressar and vivir el la presencia de nuestra Padre Celestial con nuestras familias. Sè que El Libro de Mormòn es la palabra de Dios. Sè que Josè Smith fue un profeta escojido por Dios. Y Sè con todo mi corazon que este es la unica iglesia verdadera sobre la faz de la tierra. Les amo mucho y estoy orando por cada uno de ustedes. Sigan orando. Sigan en la fe. Y acuerdense siempre que Dios le ama.
Hermana Stoor
Las hermanas de Zona Atiquizaya menos 2! Hermana Crowley, Sosa, and Evans
On the way to San Salvador for the temple with half of our zone...Hermana DeLeon, Rodriquez, Evans, Sosa , Crowley, me and two elders....dont know their names. haha
My first temple trip...wouldn't have wanted it to be with anyone else than Hermana Crowley!
We had a noche de hogar monday night with the familia Castillo. We have worked so much with this family and I have come to love them so so much. Hermana Grace and Hermano Albano have been members for a couple of years. They have been having alot of marriage problems lately but with several visits and with helping them say their prayers together and as a family, things in their home have changed so much. They are a wonderful little family with alot of trials, but are the most giving, humble people I know. We are hoping to help him get the priesthood soon so we can get Yenifer (the daughter in the back with me) baptised. She said she wont get baptized until her dad can do it. So we have some work to do :)
This is Kenneth. My little esposo. He loves me. And agreed to marry me so I can stay in Turìn forever.
I love these crazy people.
I'm going to miss the nights of standing outside the door of this house singing to Horacio. He loves it when we sing and sometimes when we pass by in the night, we just sing four or fives hymns before we head back home.